Anyway I mentioned I'd make some things from the book, so this is the first of what I hope will be a regular slot...
We decided to try paper roll animals first. Susan Stranks (one of the original Magpie presenters) makes her own paper rolls - rolling and glueing coloured paper - but for a stronger, longer lasting one, we used cardboard toilet paper rolls. The only bit of forward planning needed, is to glue the top end of the tube closed - use paper clips, and make sure the glue goes about a cm or two down the tube, because you'll be cutting into it.
Next, painting time, chose any colours you want - the tubes don't need to be painted right down to the bottom as this bit is going to be cut off. It also means the kids are less likely to paint their hands and half way up their arms....I was a little late with this tip for my makers...
With a pencil, mark a shallow curve at the glued end of the tube and cut it out - also take about 2cm off the bottom. This should neaten it up.
For the owl, from coloured paper, cut out circles for eyes (draw round a coin), pointy beaks (cut out a triangle on a paper fold so you end up with a diamond shape), wings and claws (longer than you want them to be so you can glue the extra bit inside the tube).
For the cat, petal shaped eyes (again draw half a petal shape on a paper fold and open it out) and a curly tail. Use coloured paper or painted plain paper.
For the cat, petal shaped eyes (again draw half a petal shape on a paper fold and open it out) and a curly tail. Use coloured paper or painted plain paper.
The rabbit instructions are here.
The kids decorated the wings and eyes with a black felt tip pen, before sticking them on.
..and cut out a little fish for the cats.
Simple to make and they turned out really well.
Next week - 'Something for the boys'