
Day 65 - Can you make new BFs when you're getting on a bit?

......I'm not sure.   Haven't you got your best friends sorted by your forties? (even by your thirties?)  The ones you've ridden the roller coaster with through the sunshine and the rain and they're STILL sitting in your carriage.  

It's on my mind because I recently met a great mum who lives nearby - and it started me thinking, wouldn't it be nice?  In my head we're already planning a family holiday over coffee and homemade cinnamon scones.....
Or does that sound a bit creepy?

Maybe I'm just spending too much time on my own.

Away from my imaginings, does anyone at my stage of life really have the time or inclination to make a new BF?  And I'm not talking about someone you get along with and see once in a while, I mean a really strong new friendship?  

We've been here on and off for 8 years and I'll happily chat to anyone and everyone, especially at the moment as I'm starved of adult conversation.  But only to a point.  Jumping in with both feet has never been my style. What if you get it wrong?  You might have just locked the door and thrown away the key.

Living on an army camp teaches you to be a little wary - one ill-judged, hastily arranged 'coffee at my place?' and you can be stuck in a bubble of togetherness for two years.

Maybe I'm not new bestie material? - a thought that did cross my mind recently, after a rare attempt to up the friendly stakes with one mum backfired.  She was very, very, very busy.... 

Or maybe I've just been lazy.  You can relax with your old friends - you have History and it's comfortable.  Forging a new friendship requires a serious amount of spade work.  Constantly staying in touch, dates in the diary - keeping it regular.  Sounds exhausting!  Then it can all be swimming along nicely when, WHAM!! - out of the blue something's said that totally takes you by surprise - and not in a good way.  Once you're on your guard it's going to be hard to be yourself isn't it?  Where is the fun in that? 

So why bother at all - surely it's fraught with problems any way you look at it. 

Or is it still worth a shot?

Does old always trump new??