
Let them eat bread….Day 3

One of the things I said after the last Challenge was I'd try to make bread a least once a week; but as time trundled on, that good intention slipped away to join all the others... So I felt a bit rusty when I made the first batch on Friday - though got stuck right into the dough pummelling… hadn't been the best week ever.

Of course as soon as I took the bread out of the oven and that tempting fresh-baked smell wafted around the kitchen, I had a groundhog 'been here before' moment: Why don't I do this more often? The kids love it - in fact it's how we get through the Challenge week, because my fussy, FUSSY eater would happily munch bread until it comes out of his ears, which is pretty much what I'm letting him do right now. He won't eat spuds, and can be tricky about pasta and rice, and vegetable have to be heavily disguised. So, bread often saves the day. It's not ideal, I know, but I've spent too many years stressing about it. Now I just go with the flow and try to get a bit of goodness into him. Thankfully he seems to like carrots...

The first few days have gone pretty well I think, but I've lulled everyone into a false sense of security by giving them plenty to eat - cheese and ham pizza, garlic pizza, soup, bread, pasta, a roast dinner, more bread - even stodge pudding!

A few extras I swiped: finished off a bag of peas, the end of a tin of golden syrup and some flat cider I've been holding onto for ages. I'll use up the split lentils left in the cupboard too. No point buying another bag.

Just have to keep things ticking along through the week now. A lot more making and baking for me...

Breakfast   homemade bread/coco pops/porridge
Lunch         penne arrabiata/baked potato and cheese
Dinner        cheese and ham pizza, garlic pizza/chocolate mousse

Breakfast   homemade bread/coco pops/boiled egg
lunch          carrot, lentil and cumin soup with cider bread/ peach muffins
Dinner        roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, peas and gravy/stodge pudding

Breakfast    peachy porridge/coco pops/homemade bread
Dinner         pesto pasta with grated carrot and cheese/peach muffins

Breakfast     boiled egg and soldiers/coco pops/porridge
Dinner          mild chicken curry with rice/ oat cookies

Breakfast     pancakes
Dinner          homemade gnocchi with pesto and grated cheese/carrot muffins

Breakfast     peachy porridge/ bread/coco pops
Dinner          cheese frittata with spicy(ish) potato wedges/chocolate brownies

Breakfast     possibly pancakes…or bread/porridge/coco pops
Dinner          margarita pizza, garlic bread pizza/baked potato/chocolate

The kids have school dinners and are under strict instructions to fill their boots. The first year we did the Challenge I had to make them packed lunches as well - not sure how I managed that on twelve quid. Though to be fair, they didn't eat quite as much as they do now.

I'll be having a lot of soup.


£15 Charity Challenge - The List

Yep, I never learn… Not a great deal of interest in basically starving your family for a week. Funny enough. It's a hard sell! Though I have managed to persuade a great friend here to keep me company. So, no longer a team of one

I've been better organised this year and had a bit more time to shop around, which helped squeeze every penny out of the £15 grocery budget (not losing sleep over the extra 10p...)

I park the car in the Marks and Spencer's car park at the bottom of town every morning and walk the kids to school (to avoid the horrendous traffic and stay sane) - so, I often wander through the shop to get back to the car…which isn't the most sensible thing to do when you're hungry. Or when you're not, to be honest. I'm pretty good though, considering - and because I'm there just about every day I've picked up some great bargains. Always scanning for yellow labels. My best find this week was a 300g block of Ayrshire cheese reduced to a pound. Looks interesting, and it's going to come in handy over the next 7 days…

So, apart from finishing off a few stray tomatoes, half a cucumber, 2 slices of ham, a little butter and some soft looking apples left in the fridge, this is what we'll be eating.

Doesn't look like much, does it…
The only thing missing from the photo are the chocolate mousse/mousses?  Mousses sounds wrong somehow - anyway, 18p for four - not bad.

Chicken                           £3.04
Flour 3kg                         £0.90
15 eggs                             £1.19
sugar                                £0.49
tinned tomatoesx2            £0.62
porridge oats                    £0.39
rice                                   £0.40
pasta 500gx2                    £0.58
milk 4pts                           £0.89
butter                                £0.86
potatoes  2.5kg                 £1.00 (half price offer)
choco pops cereal             £0.83
3xonions                           £0.22
carrots 1kg                        £0.53
tinned peaches                  £0.50
4xchoc mousse                 £0.18
pesto                                 £0.88
chocolate 100g x2            £0.60
Marks and Spencers
Ayrshire cheese                £1.00

Total                                £15.10

I'll post our meal plan at the weekend.

Off to make some bread!


St David's Day cosy

This is Gwen - she likes Tom Jones, hill walking and brandy alexanders.

I raced to get her finished yesterday for St David's Day, but didn't quite manage.
Gwen has a slightly lopsided grin and extremely large hands, but apart from that she turned out pretty much the way I hoped.
She's joined the small, merry band of Saints' Day egg cosies that live on our mantelpiece.

I've thought about making more to sell at Fairs, but they take ages, and I'm not sure there's much of a market for novelty egg cosies??


Would you?….The Charity Challenge returns

It's almost that time again, when the kids make a fair bit of fuss… yep, it's the good old £12 Charity Challenge! When I slash the weekly shop to just a few pounds a day for 7 days. Not just for the hell of it, but for charity. The rest of the money usually spent on groceries will be going to Comic Relief.

Now, last year, it all went quiet when I asked if anyone fancied joining me…Very quiet. And because I never learn, I thought I'd try again - but give a bit more notice this time (the Challenge week starts on 7th March and ends on the 13th, Red Nose Day), AND increase the amount from £12 to £15, to see if that might encourage a few takers?


Ah, go on…

Can I just say though, if you don't fancy the £15 bit, then please, don't be put off - any cutback in the shop that week and a small donation, would be fantastic. At the end of the day it's all for a great cause.

And if you do fancy the Challenge bit, don't feel you have to jump in at the deep end. Why not look at it as a perfect week to use up food that's been lurking in the dark recesses of your kitchen cupboard, or an opportunity to make a bit of space in the freezer?

But I'm a right old stickler for my made up, totally self imposed, slightly bonkers rules. So, no freezer/cupboard dipping here, and only a few cupboard basics allowed, if I have them - otherwise the 4 of us (5 at weekends) really do live on the £15 shop for that week. And as weird as this might possibly sound, I do almost enjoy it. It appeals to my frugal side: the side that likes making do, using up leftovers and inventing meals from not very much. Some of my meal inventions haven't been great mind you, but when they work, well that's a good feeling.

Remember though, NO ONE'S LOOKING. So, if you're interested in the Challenge, do what suits you. It's primarily about raising money for charity, not raising stress levels!

This is our 4th year, so if you'd like to have a look at some of our past shopping lists or menus, there's some herehere and here. Last time we went veggie for the week too, which was totally fine for me, but not that brilliant for the kids. Fussy little blighters. Anyway, back to making a few meals from a roast chicken, which is always a good one, but I'm also going to try to vary our menu a bit more this time. The challenge for me isn't just to survive the week, but to feed us well too.

And that's another of the things I like about this Challenge: it slaps me around the face and makes me think. About how easy it is to take food for granted.

It makes me think on a micro level, because the key to cracking the Challenge is planning: planning what to buy right down to the last penny. I'd like to tell you I'm now a zealous meal planner, but that would be a lie, because I'm not.  For the rest of the year I slip back into a rather slap-dash approach to meal planning; I'm also a total sucker for offers, and rarely stick to my list. If I make a list at all. Having said that I'm not an extravagant shopper, just a disorganised one.

But as well as being a sort of trolley detox, it makes me think on a wider level too: what would it be like if it wasn't a challenge, but a necessity? And if it wasn't just for 7 days but for good. Most of us never, ever have to go hungry. The Challenge makes me think about people who do.

So, the long and short of it is, I've been an optimistic fool and set up a Red Nose Day team page - yes a team page…which is, at the moment, a team of one.


I'm fully aware it'll probably stay that way. But if you thought you might fancy it at all….in any shape or form...?


Cosy Valentine

At one of the craft fairs before Christmas, I spotted some cards with lovely little knitted festive finger puppets attached to the front, and thought what a great idea…being fond of teeny tiny things, as I am.  My mini knits and tinsy decorations tend to get lost amongst all the other stuff I sell, on my menagerie of a stall, so, I'm thinking, putting a few on cards might help get them noticed. Surely a card that doubles up as a gift has got to be a bit of a winner?

So, I'm trying it out on family first, and have come up with this Valentine's idea, that sort of works, I hope! No finger puppets though, wasted on my husband - I went for an egg cosy option. Not completely convinced anyone really uses egg cosies these days, still, I like making them. This one's rather gaudy, but clashing red and pink felt right for Valentine's Day.

For the card bit, I cut an egg cup shape out of felt, making sure it was as wide as the egg cosy opening, and glued it down - then drew an egg shape sitting in the cup, pierced the card and cut along this line, so the cosy could be pulled, snuggly, over the top. Needed just a few stitches behind to hold the cosy down.
Think I could do with working on my writing…a bit scruffy looking, and quite a few smudges that I've tried to magic away. But on the whole, I'm happy.

Maybe it would work for Easter cards too?


New chapter, new book

Sorry this is all a bit short on detail; there'll be more to tell soon I hope, but I have news! Well, sort of a headline without an actual story…. I'm in the throws of writing a craft book, which is massively exciting and terrifying, and when the time's right, I will fill in the gaps. When I'm allowed.

It's been full on - the blog's not the only thing that's been neglected - the house is a tip (not looking); the kids eat surrounded by mountains of cardboard and paint; my eldest's trouser hems are swinging way above his ankles, and there's admin stuff sitting by the toaster that's been gathering dust since Christmas.

But that's all okay (trousers have been ordered), because I'm being pushed and challenged, and I sort of remember thinking when I started this blog that that was what I wanted.
It's been scary though; such a steep learning curve, and my confidence comes and goes like shadows.

I agreed to pretty tight deadlines too, partly because I wanted to be seen to be keen, but also because I've only ever worked to deadlines. Thing is, when I worked as a tv reporter, I didn't have 3 kids and a husband who was only home at weekends. Know your limits…think I've found mine.

Anyway, I worked flat out and just managed to get everything ready for a recent photo shoot. It was an intense few days; challenging, interesting, exhausting, and a total and utter change - like stepping into someone else's life. It's weird only being responsible for yourself when you haven't done it for a while. Weird and lovely.

I stayed with an old school friend I don't see enough; the only downer was the daily commute - the misery of squeezing onto trains, pressed up against someone's armpit. I couldn't do that day in day out, not anymore. Too old for that malarky. Still, it did put the hellish school run in a better light.

We went out for a meal one night to a really hip club. It certainly felt pretty cool, but was so fashionably moody and dark, you couldn't actually see much. What's that all about? Am I showing my age again? Everything was a shade of brown, including the food. It was so murky, one friend walked straight past us and spent 10 minutes searching various rooms, even managing to stumble into Russell Brand in the dingy gloom. She said he looked scuzzy. Such a great word.

Our table was booked for 9.30. 9.30 on a Thursday night! Nothing much is open around me at 9.30 on a Thursday night. As far as I know anyway. I'm usually getting my knitting out around about then.

And now I'm back to the knitting, frosty school runs, grumpy kids, homework, mess, and thankfully the return of the glorious GB Sewing Bee. It's like I've never been away, except the book is happening. It really is.


'Present' Danger

I came across this when I was clearing out my half finished posts from ages back - a timely find really, but feel sort of mean, because I got brilliant Christmas presents this year... 

'Hope you like it!' he says and I smile politely,
(thinking that's going to be very unlikely),
and bless him, because I know he tries,
but when it comes to clothes they're never my size...
Jewellery's dodgy,
music's okay,
though I'm more Stereophonics
and he likes Doris Day.

I open my present. There's a torch inside.
'You just wind it with the handle.'
I almost cried
'So useful sweetheart, hope you like yours',
it's Rick Stein's India,
there's a pregnant pause...

'Wow…that looks just great…' He never cooks.
But he does like spice
and he does like books.

He starts fiddling with the torch and I flick through Rick Stein,
everyone's happy, it's all turned out fine.

So, I buy what I want, it's simply stress free
when a gift's from me
to you
to me.