All you'll need for half a dozen roses is: an egg box, some pipe cleaners, red tissue paper, a yogurt pot, small piece of wrapping paper, PVA/craft glue, scissors and a ball of plasticine (modelling clay).
First, cut the six cups out of the egg box - they don't have to be straight and even, in fact a wavy edge is best as it's more petal-like.
Paint them...and possibly your hands, red.
Once they're dry, cut pipe cleaners into 10cm/4" pieces(green is great, but any colour will do) - then make a hole, push the pipe cleaner through and fold the top part over.
(Keep as flat as you can as this makes it easier to glue in the flower middle)
Cut a sheet of red tissue paper into three (about 20cm/8" by 12cm/5") and then start folding, so you end up with a strip roughly 2cm/0.75" wide.
Once you've done that, roll it up tight.
Let the tissue paper centre naturally unfurl so it fits neatly in an egg cup, and glue in place.
Optional: Fold some green tissue paper a few times, draw a leaf shape on top, cut out and glue to the stems.
Stick some paper or a ribbon onto your pot (or both!) to cover the writing.
If you're using paper, cut a strip to go round the pot plus a bit extra, then snip the strip into smaller pieces - this makes it much easier to glue evenly.
Best to leave the plasticine (modelling clay) somewhere warmish so it's not hard as rock when you try to push the stems in.
The added bonus is this gives the pot some weight, so you should end up with quite a sturdy little posy…
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