

More things to make with old cards - 3D heart bunting

So there were still quite a few cards left after making the Very Hungry Caterpillar, and with Valentine's Day around the corner we decided to go with hearts.

I made this collage from cut up cards a few years ago, and though I was pretty happy with how it turned out, it was faffy and took forEVER....

These 3D card hearts are a lot easier!

1. First, fold a piece of plain paper and draw half a heart on the fold. Make your heart any size you like. We wanted to be able to get a couple from one picture, so ours aren't too big (8cm).

Open up and carefully draw round the heart on the back of a card. Cut out and use this heart as a template for the others.

2. For each 3D heart you'll need four cut outs, paired up (we went for matching designs and similar colours).

3. Glue the backs of the paired hearts together - match the dip at the top when you're gluing them.

The hearts will probably pop away from each other, so, put a book or a bread board on top to weigh down and keep them flat while they dry.

4. When they're dry, trim away any obvious sticky out bits around the edges.

5. Cut halfway down a heart from the dip at the top, and halfway up the matching one from the bottom tip. It's important to snip away a extra sliver from these slots to widen them, so the hearts slot together without buckling. If they still buckle and don't sit properly, trim a little more from the slots, but not too much; don't want your heart falling apart...

6. Decide what you want to hang your hearts on - ribbons, string, yarn - we used some leftover silver Christmas ribbon - decide on the length too, and tie it, stretched out, between two chairs.

7. Un-slot a 3D heart and work on the part with the slot at the bottom. Thread a needle and make a hole under the dip at the top.

8. Tie the heart onto the ribbon, when you're happy with the height, tie a double knot, then wrap one end of the thread around the ribbon again and tie another tight double knot to hold it in place.

9. Repeat along the length of the ribbon, keeping them evenly spaced. We arranged ours at different heights, in a sort of higgledy piggledy fashion.

If bunting is more hearts than you can handle, you could always make single hanging heart decorations. A handy little gift idea?

Linking up with Coombe Mill's Trash2Treasure